New Zealand Pharmacy Education and Research Foundation (NZPERF)

The New Zealand Pharmacy Education and Research Foundation (NZPERF) was established in 1967 as a charitable trust for the benefit of the pharmacy profession. Originally established with a seeding grant from the Pharmaceutical Society, the Foundation has sought and attracted tax deductible grants and donations from pharmacists and from members of the pharmaceutical industry. These funds have been invested and currently stand at over $5 million.

The interest and dividends received from the fund's investments are allocated to applicants by the Board. In addition to grants for specific projects, the Foundation also funds some specific prizes.

The purposes of NZPERF are

  • to assist in funding the development of pharmacy education in New Zealand;
  • to assist in funding research into the science and practice of pharmacy, and
  • to ensure that New Zealand pharmacists have the opportunity to remain at the forefront of their profession.


The Board members are  Brian Johnston, Rhiannon  Braund, Grant Coppersmith, Brendon McIntosh, Gordon Ritson, Mike Seymour,  Bronwen Shepherd and Lorraine Welman.

A representative from the Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand, is the Secretary and Treasurer of NZPERF.

The  Board members give their services and time freely without fees or allowances.

Making a Donation to NZPERF

Donations to NZPERF are tax deductible and all pharmacists and pharmacies are invited to consider including a donation with their Society membership fees each year. Such monies are treated as capital and invested in the Trust Fund. Donations can be sent to NZPERF, PO Box 11640, Manners Street, Wellington 6142. Pharmacists when reviewing their Will may wish to consider making a bequest or legacy to the New Zealand Pharmacy Education and Research Foundation.

Current PSNZ members can make a donation to NZPERF from the link below. You will be required to login.

Non members wishing to donate can contact us at for bank account details.


Thank you to all who have donated to NZPERF.

NZPERF is registered with the Charities Commission, registration number CC40687.

Learn about projects and applications 
Learn about prizes